If you can't control a food craving it
is important to know that this is a very strong addiction that can
result in obesity, diabetes or other serious health complications.
For many people the cravings for certain foods can become a very
difficult habit to break, it is not your fault; science shows that
the reason why the urge is so uncontrollable is due to the fact that
the brain impulses triggers and fire an uncontrollable desire to keep
eating. This is not your fault but it is an dangerous cycle.
How the brain hooks you and the danger
Brain chemicals such as insulin and
leptin are extremely powerful, leptin and insulin and other
chemicals all interact and determine your cravings for food; the
brain triggers fire resulting in the desire to keep eating. For some
night time cravings are when the brain triggers fires a response
causing the desire to eat (or at times “pig out”, this is not
something that will power can control. This is a powerful urge that
can lead to diabetes, obesity and heart disease. The longer you have
the habit the harder it is to break, the brain is in control not will
If you can't control food craving
science shows us that for example sugar cravings react on the brain
similar to narcotics such as heroin!
A study published in North American
Association for the Study of Obesity revealed the amazing results of
how the cravings can be difficult to stop.
The study conclusion:
Repeated, excessive intake of sugar
created a state in which an opioid antagonist caused behavioral and
neurochemical signs of opioid withdrawal. The indices of anxiety and
DA/ACh imbalance were qualitatively similar to withdrawal from
morphine or nicotine, suggesting that the rats had become
Sugar addiction
is no different than Cigarettes or any opiates(Heroin or Cocaine)
What works
If you can't
control your food craving it must be addressed before the effects
ruin the heart,liver or kidneys, the longer the habit continues the
harder it is to break. Each year people fail at dieting for the
simple reason that most diets never address these powerful brain
triggers, only a diet created for food addictions has ever been shown
to stop sugar or any other food cravings. Will power is no match for
a powerful brain trigger causing an urge to eat or overeat, will
power is no match for the brain triggers for sugars and fats. Only a
diet created for food cravings was ever shown to stop the brain
triggers naturally, people were allowed to eat what they wanted and
still learned to deactivate the cravings. This worked in over 10
countries naturally over thousands.
here Depressed
Binge eating
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