We received a email this week from a 29
year old woman which stated “ I Binge Eat, is there a diet that can
help me?” Before we address the topic of diet it is important to
understand why a person binges, an understanding of the brain
chemistry behind binging will make it perfectly clear why 95 % of
diets will do nothing to stop the problem. Binging is a response to a
brain reaction which is linked to emotional and physical triggers. I
is important that the statement “I binge eat” be examined, this
statement is good because many thousands of people are bingers but
will never admit to it.
The shame game
Often bingers are ashamed to admit that
they practice this behavior, the shame comes from societies
prejudices against people who have a difficult time controlling their
appetites. There are many who believe that shaming a person can stop
a strong addiction but research studies have proven that this is not
the case, shaming actually makes the problem worst. Researchers at
Florida State University College of Medicine revealed that issues
like binging and dieting are not solved with shame. The research team
found that overweight people who faced weight discrimination were
over two times more likely to become obese by the end of the study.
Participants who were obese when the
study began and had experienced weight discrimination were three
times more likely to still be obese at the end of the study year..
"Rather than motivating individuals to lose weight, weight
discrimination increases risk for obesity," According to
study leader psychologist Angelina Sutin. This is why an email
stating “ I binge eat” is very brave.
Willpower has no power over binging,
there are many brain hormones that work in either encouraging binging
or stopping the appetite, there exist a delicate balance which
involves emotions, stresses and other brain triggers that create the
'high” and urge to binge.. Emotional triggers activate brain
hormones creating the 'urge” that we know as the “need “of a
binger, but there is a solution, when the brain triggers were
naturally addressed with a diet created for binging the binging
Binging is not resolved by simply
“trying hard not to eat”, bingers have brain triggers that fire
prompting a powerful desire to consume mass quantities of food.
When bingers were given a diet created
for them the diet addressed the brain impulses to overeat
For those who binge eat, this has
worked in 10 countries SEE HERE The only Binge eater Diet now used in 10 countries